Anyone can create a profile on a social networking site. Not everyone can develop a social media strategy that delivers results. Social media strategy is not set up where “one size fits all.” What works for one company doesn’t always work for another. It has been noted that only 12% of post on Facebook reach followers. Having a team on your side to develop a social media campaign for you will ensure that the word is getting out and the message is inline with your brand mission. A social media campaign that is successful should not only reflect your brand but also engage and educate the target audience. It’s hard work but we are up for the challenge. Let us help you develop the right formula to get you results that impact your social media presence.
Profile Creation & Optimization
Creating a social media profile is the foundation of an organization’s social media campaigns. Our campaigns create and optimize profiles that are not only fun but educational, persuasive and personality driven while still representing your mission, style and feel of your brand. To have a successful profile it needs to pull users in and provide information as well as entertainment.
Social Media Promotion Initiatives
A social media campaign is developed with the business mission and goals in mind. What are some of the goals you are trying to accomplish as a business? Once those goals are in place we incorporate social media to achieve those goals. A social media calendar is established once the goals are known. There are a variety of initiatives used to accomplish these goals from contest and giveaways to coupons, deals and much more.
Social Media Monitoring
Many believe that the only thing important in social media are the numbers. How many followers/friends do you have. Yes numbers are important in social media its also important to listen and engage your audience. Many people believe that if you have many friends/followers on these social networking sites thats all you need. Wrong. Social media can be very valuable in addressing the needs and wants of your customers but only if you listen to what they have to say. Social media is great for improvising customer service, eliminating problems and establishing a relationship with your target audience.
We listen for you and find out what your audience is talking about who they are talking to, what they are saying about you and when they are talking to you and for you. We determine trends in the industry, customers needs and areas of improvement.
Social Media Reporting
There are three key components of social media campaigns they include the what, why and what next. You don’t have to be a scientist to figure out what metrics and analytics mean for you. All the numbers can get you asking questions. What does it all mean? How many followers should I have? How do I update my status? Don’t worry about your social media networks. You worry about your brand and we will make sure your being social. We do the work and create a report that is easy for you to comprehend.